is catmint invasive

I spent two years trying different products, formulas, and mixtures and this is the only one that was able to completely eliminate both the goutweed/bishop's weed and the chameleon plant. I love the Japanese Painted Fern best. It is a low-growing perennial that typically forms a spreading clump of decumbent, ascending and upright stems to 12" tall and 18" wide. Never cut the sucker at the ground or root. The leaves formed a canopy and transpired cool refreshing air. Some heavy shade. Combine 1 gallon (64 oz.) Ugh, spearmint--my condolences to your garden! People sharing their experiences with plants that grow in their zones or invade the yard depending on where they live, soils and other factors. So, while pollinating the flowers of your catmint, bees could displace some seeds and spread them around your garden where they'll grow. Virginia Creeper I have to admit is horrible. Great tips! twist it off. But my mint goes in a pot because for crying out loud it spreads EVERYWHERE. I dry them by just laying them on a paper towel and leave them alone, when dried out then put in a container with lid. plenty of sun I'm in zone 8a as well, specifically NE Texas, and you're definitely right about it being an exercise in futility! Even without being sheared, they will often repeat bloom, although not quite as prolifically. Where do you live? I recommend using a hand-held garden tiller like this one. Most of them turn up their toes as soon as summer hits here. I know, they have roots but I have not had trouble with them. Hello Kristen and global friends: Thank you for sharing these information with us and I totally agree with you since these certain "Perennials" can take so much space in your garden. If you want to plant something in that same area, you'll have to pull the plants for years. Despererate about it when looking at my veggies garden. I planted my vegetable garden with carrots, beets, other stuff and the Japanese beetles left everything totally alone because I cast in yarrow and tansy. I was considering it, but now Ill stay away from it). Catmint doesn't need any fertilizer. Cut Flowers$100 Cut Flower Garden Update I agree with Cindy and Debbie. Place 3-inch cuttings in a good potting soil, keep the soil moist, and the . They grew in the area the dug-up plants waited for waste pickup within a week or so. Thanks so much for reading! Birds do not like anything at the bottom of the feeder, not even flowers. Last year, the birds, the butterflies and other living creatures, like us, do enjoyed them especially on Summer and Fall. I think for wisteria it may depend on the variety - mine is 95% foliage, not much flower. Different strokes for different folks I guess, but I sure would hate for a new gardener to read this and dismiss these amazing flowers without further research. I grew a pear You are right. I never knew people actually planted Virginia Creeper on purpose! Nepeta Walker's Low (Walker's Low Catmint) is a robust variety with dark lavender-blue flowers in late spring and aromatic gray-green foliage. At my home in zone 9, they die back on and off during the year. kidding!!! I'm so glad you found this post useful. Just wanted to add Violets to the list :). You are absolutely right, the title is click bait-y, but that is part of my job as a blogger. Grab our 100 Zone 3 Perennials List! I love they flower a long time but they are hard to get under control also. Unless you can eat them faster than they can propagate. I'm suggesting you add gooseneck to this list. A striking combination of periwinkle blue flowers enshrouded in dark purple calyces create an impressive show from late spring until the first frost. Put pure concentrated Roundup, heavy plastic then mulch and it still came through all of it and spreads to actual grass. The minty flavored leaves of catmint are commonly used in herbal teas and are thought to have various health benefits. I'm in Lancaster, PA. You just cant get up that high What you are left with is dead ivy all the way up into the tree tops. I live in a 7B-8A climate so pretty perfect if they were going to easily propigate. Also, neither Spectracide nor the Bayer Advanced contain glyphosate (aka RoundUp), in case you are (wisely) trying to avoid that product. I even prefer the mint. It's a bee's paradise and I love the wildness of it. Be warned, Never plant this beauty! I did the same thing!! Thank you!!!! The anemone in the picture is Japanese anemone, often sold as a hybrid ("Honorine Jobert"). They are beautiful and I always get the "WOW" factor when people come over. It's never gone out of bounds. Some of the catmints can reseed themselves readily and can become weedy in that way, but there are some . I know I cant dig that much that fast and my landscaper refuses to do it. Catnip vs. Catmint . If I get enough new suggestions like yours I'll make another post. I totally agree. Husband was talking air conditioning. Now I cant get under there to pull it all out because my bushes are all leafed out and blooming. hi from Washington state; the Pacific Northwest. Plant them with proper gaps and sunlight. Six hills giant catmint is a drought-tolerant perennial, making it low-maintenance and a prime candidate for xeriscaping. Happy gardening! Hopefully someone in your zone can give you a better idea of what to do. Azaleas and rhododendron grow great under pinesblueberries and raspberries too though the raspberries can take off if you arent careful toonot hard to research on pinterest in the search lineacid loving shade plants. Thank you for your bravery in standing up. As a head gardener for many years in Scotland I find it hard to understand your reasoning on invasive plants! I'm definitely learning that these perennials don't behave the same in all locations. We were cooking in Rising summer heat because the afternoon sun hits entire side of our house. If I remember correctly it is claimed to not alter the nutritional value of the seed for the birds, just sterilizes the seed so it won't germinate. Is Catmint Invasive . Actually, butterflies are attracted to any flower with nectar. This new hybrid may be the most flamboyant yet. I live in Los Angeles along the coast. But, thanks to you, I know more about what to plant where I want lots of color and what to plant in containers. We do not want this evil plant to spread along creeks and rivers, it will be Pampas grass all over again! Creeping Jenny on CLEARANCE. Love this site! Soil not great. Thriving in harsh conditions, this durable, rabbit and deer resistant perennial plant is an indispensable for use in xeriscapes. Don't forget Russian Sage (Perovskia Atriplicifolia) which quickly outgrows anyplace I agree with the other gals. I cannot believe they still sell Yellow Bleeding Heart (Corydalis Lutea) and the various variegated bamboo grasses. At first I was delighted, and now am in my third year picking each stem out. In Texas we can solarize, dont know where you are, so dont know if that would work. If youre looking for a tough-as-nails plant that will bloom for months on end with very little pampering, catmint is sure to make you purr with delight. The second one is Ivy. Thank you to you and all your contributors. Thank you for suggesting a better alternative! Keep them in a pot, away from everything! Named the 2007 Perennial Plant of the Year by the Perennial Plant Association. It blooms profusely for months on end, from late spring through midsummer. You still need to deadhead to prevent reseeding. I bought my current house a couple years ago and and left behind a lot of the problem plants when I moved. Japanese catmints (N. subsessilis) will benefit from regular watering to keep the soil moist. You have such a nice collection of flowers. Tennessee as well. Keep 'em coming. There is one plant. I don't know what zone I'm in, but I'm near the Capitol of NC. Can you imagine how much money and time is wasted mowing bluegrass..CapCarl, I live in Michigan. Deadheading is unnecessary to prevent self-sowing because the seeds of hybrids are sterile. DO NOT PLANT. I love my daisies and tho they do spread like crazy, I just thin them out every fall or Spring. Catmint Plant, also called Nepeta, catnips plant, is a perennial herb that is a member of the mint family. My regret is oregano. Gonna try a knife and hope I don't hurt my 2 colors on one plant Bougainvillea. You take a picture and voila you get a name. I belong to a provincial gardening group and this was a compilation of everyone's suggestions. 7 @$!#% years to get rid of it! Cover the area with wet cardboard, several layers, then a heavy layer of mulch. I'm in zone 8a, and our yearly temperatures can range between 14 and 114 degrees Fahrenheit. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In some areas, these plants aren't problems at all. Personally, I think temperature, soil obviously - (I have heavy wet clay most areas or thin soil over bedrock) and a preference to what kind of garden you want, are the major criteria. I was reading & thinking.this must be an article for non-gardeners. They only bloom in the cooler weather, when it gets warmer in summer, they stop blooming but their stems & leaves remain. Also, thanks for mentioning your zone and location. On this page: Basics | Varieties of Catmint | Planting Catmint | Care and Maintenance | Pictures | Landscaping with Catmint. Vilifying plants that self propagate is over-simplified. . The bleeding heart readily self seeds and bamboo spreads with rope like roots. If you want to see what an overgrown perennial garden looks like, check out the video below: Disclaimer #1: Some of the plants in this list may not be problematic in your area. Great site. TESTIMONY: I planted spearmint in my vegetable/flower bed last year (1st time in new home!) . Catmint, especially catnip (N. cataria), is known to repel pests such as mosquitoes, aphids, squash bugs, cabbage loopers and more. Photo by: Universal Images Group North America LLC / DeAgostini / Alamy Stock Photo, 9 to 12 inches tall, 12 to 18 inches wide. I think I've killed about half of the things on this list- by accident. Catmints are in the genus Nepeta, which are in the mint family, but do not run and spread like the common mints in the genus Mentha. I help new gardeners learn to grow their own vegetables and cut flowers, as well as give them the know-how to beautify their yards with perennials. We love them. behold, where they dropped their weeding prizes at the curb has now got its own spiderwort patch. I guess I will lay down a good soak of vinegar (the ground is already acidic, being in a pine forest) and then a thick layer of newspapers and can get pinewood chips from the fire dept from their free chipper program. You certainly have a way of providing info which much humorhad me rolling over laughing! I think there are some ferns that don't get out of control, but whatever is in my backyard is an absolute nightmare. I have many and wish they would more easily self propogate. Save yourself the headache and plant the annual version from seed instead. If nothing grows there, I would actually suggest trying some of these invasive plants. This article was written to be slightly humorous and for the person who is new to perennial gardening and might not realize how much work it can be. :-). I didn't plant it but somehow it has taken up residence in my flower beds. Nothing like Spiraea which creates ~100 plants each year. If you plant the common orange one, it will take over your pretty specialty hybrid ones over the years. Roses, Irises, raspberries, Dahlias, rhubarb, day lilies and few other flowers are not something you can regret at all. By far, the worst of these are mint and Chinese Lanterns. I finally got talked into more expensive bird seed. We really need to work to keep the bee population, and plant native. My master Although from your experience, it's probably a good thing I can't! I love having fresh mint, so that was my easy solution! Irises! It is. It grows to a height of three feet and bears few white blooms. My soil is 10-18" of alkaline clay over solid limestone. Yes, it produces a lot of nectar for certain pollinator species at a certain time of the year. If you join the. Morning glories are just plain evil. At our house it's ferns (currently I've removed 118 this year alone) and bell flowers. I thought it was interesting you seemed to include some of the same plants on your go to list as your no- go list. Ivy is the worst thing to plant near a tree or a building. It is the Satan of the plant world. Yes thx for the info I wish I wouldn't have let the beauty fool me when I bought them but i did read in time for my mints lol they r in a pot I have a very little yard and I just bought 2 yarrows and 2 veronicas I told my husband I can't wait til next yr when they've established I also planted a vine and after reading this went out and looked around and albe darned if they're ain't 5 I planted 2 3 r babies lol well atleast I caught it in time for the mint thank u. The seeds get into gutters and streets, wash out to streams and rivers, sprout EVERYWHERE in the wild areas and crowd out native vegetation. Perennial plants are a good investment. My dad lives up north and grows ferns like weeds. (Where I'm from tends to have really good soil, so some of the plants listed here aren't as big of nuisances in other areas.) Once they are established they produce so many blooms on one plant that they bloom for weeks. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Aggressive plants are great for a laissez-faire gardener ;). Pollinators (like butterflies) need food plants for their caterpillars, too. it was controlled when I bought this house but spreads further every year. Love lily of the valley and the spiderwort, but they were taking over. It's pretty, but it roots DEEP quickly and spreads wide in any soil without additional water in our drought. I hope people arent influenced against some of these plants, just in order to keep down maintenance in the garden. Garlic mustard takes it a step further and poisons native butterflies who mistake it for native mustards. I think what I learned is that saying my Grandma taught"A WEED is a Beautiful Plant growing in the wrong place" But it makes me REALIZE there is No SUCH thing as a weed! I've even salted the ground and my dogs have taken to peeing on it. OH NO! This should help keep the plant from spilling out into the rest of the garden. Growing up to 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide, this is one of the largest cultivars and easily one of the showiest. They can so easily become a nuisance instead of something giving you joy. 3 . Better in containers if spreading is a concern, but maybe best in caontainera away from the ground/on a large patio? 5. Anything with creeping in its name is a hint that you may have it forever (or the person who buys your house after you), I think I want a clover lawn. Some behave very nicely. I have Corabells and violas (violas in containers) I also have Autumn glory in a containers. In my experience in my garden, Ladys Mantel is awfully invasive and pops up all around my stone pathway. Used underneath flowering shrubs or specimen plants, they can be quite lovely and reduce the need for weeding and mulching. Provide ample space between plants, since many tend to grow wider than tall. Varies by species. Happy gardening! Long-blooming perennials such as the first two types discussed below are very useful to those of us seeking a continuous sequence of . I know I should be more aggressive about keeping it inbounds, but it is under and around so much that it became daunting. 12-14" tall x 18-20" spread. Catmint uses also include the addition to fresh salads or cooked food. I am aware of mint so I just got some chocolate mint and put it in a planter. Catmint will grow in just about any type of well-drained soil. Obviously, the herb may attract cats to your garden, but the flowers also attract honeybees. Bees love sunflowers, beebalm, and really any flower that is yellow, purple, or blue. Study everything about pollination and most of the 28 plants you listed are great for our pollinators , who supply 60% of our daily food, but hang around and they will disappear on there own as soon as the Bees and other pollinators are listed on the list of extinction? The spiderwort is everywhere in my beds and lawn. Step away from the garden! Far from my garden, I have a place with bees. Some of the bad flowers look good to me. Not fun getting it back so I can plant sun-loving plants to replace the shade-lovers that I moved. I kind of want them to spread so I'll have some to share. For PC's, go to " I love gardening! I'm finding them everywhere! You probably hate kittens, too. Digging down and putting weed killer on roots doesnt work. A chemical like Round Up will help, but even it can not prevent them from coming back next year. This had me giggling! The catnip plant Nepeta cataria is commonly confused with the catmint plant Nepeta mussinii. I agree, I have Shasta Daisy's and they have been growing for about 8 years. Dandelions should always be allowed to grow in lawns. Mint doesn't even grow well here. Care of Catmint. Catmints cool-toned foliage and flowers blend well with most other colors, particularly reds, deeper purple tones, pinks and yellows. I'm in Conn. Just cut off any dead limbs from winter kill and watch them flourish. My mint is excessive, but I drink lemon mint water daily in summer. I'm reading this and smiling. My neighbor was selling it as "Bamboo" at a rummage sale, I shared my experience and now we are are great friends. We have very heavy clay soil and so many of these species are controllable. Finally, no more sprouting seeds. Carry on. Also, re: Wisteria--I strongly advise NOT planting it. My nightmare is Morning Glories, they choke my other plants. Was 25 feet up the trees. Then I shall slay the mother ship plant. It attaches itself to your house & when you pull it off, it takes the house paint with it. Catmint is not a plant that is generally considered invasive according to Cornell University. Pretty, but hard to get rid of. I warn COMPLETE strangers about mint when they are looking at them at the plant stores! Now I am finding the same with my big red daliahs and carpet roses that turn into climbers and keep resprouting when dug out. One is "Primrose". While my zucchini has leaves that would put the biggest elephant ears to shame, there is no fruit this year. Note snails and slugs love daisies! . Ive read so many internet message boards trying to find a way to kill it. As for me that is. If you love it, you should plant it ;-). I just can't convince any of my neighbors that this is a good thing. Copyright 2023. Evening Primrose. Vinca MAJOR is considered invasive. What varieties of day lilies do you grow? I used to let some wild goldenrod grow because its a good late bloomer for pollinators, but it crowded out other plants. If you feel like it isn't thriving, you can feed it an organic fertilizer once a year, but otherwise, it will do fine without any extra help. Within 2 months I had to dig out a whole section of garden and again the next year plus pulling up strays for a couple more years. They love it. Oh my gosh, Tansy.the previous homeowners at my house planted it in the perennial bed and it is EVERYWHERE now and completely impossible to get rid of!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You nailed it! Carolyn. I knowright? Finally said to H*** with it and grabbed the heavy weed-eater. If a plant has mint in its name, chances are it's super invasive. Im sure when my son is older Ill be able to handle the maintenance that some of these plants require. I have another name for it but it cannot be used in polite company) Still coming. I keep most of the daisies on the south side which is separate from my other beds by quite a bit. That is what plants do. I'm on a very limited budget, too. On lily of the valley, I totally agree it is invasive, hard to pull up and not even pretty! Also, a terrible groundcover called adjuga - I think thats how its spelled - anyway, it will get away from you if left unattended and its so ugly its not even worth it! I make a point of examining my garden every few days in the spring to dig it up when its ugly leaves poke thru the earth. So basically anything that will grow here. Vinca MINOR, if planted in a colder region, especially where it's snowy, will die back in the winter and regrow each spring. Didnt even know there were different types of Bachelor buttons (I love them and will try to find the ones that seed lol) Also those purple flowersthey sure are hardy, and the bees sure do love them OMG I have Prairie lilies and there is this HUMMINGBIRD that visits for mine my day lilies must be planted in a better spot then yours, they're still blooming. I love what you pointed out about Chinese Lanterns and Virginia Creepers being so prolific and often difficult to kill. From what I have seen in my neighborhood (I live in a tall pine forest in the sierra nevadas of northern california) grass doesnt do well at all, mosses do do pretty well though.and those ferns talked about. I'm glad you liked it! The original 2 plants I put in my garden are long gone but I constantly find new plants yards away from the original spots. To everyone outside of Zone 3, enjoy your Zone 4A+ privilege. No to mulch. See how you can maintain Harmony in the unique conditions you live to make your " Weeds " work for you. Hi Kristen! From what Ive read, only digging very deeply, cutting it and pouring boiling water on it works. Garlic mustard. I'd like to strangle the person that planted it, where my mom now lives, as much as it has strangled the large trees & all other plants, bushes, etc. When I lived in Southern Ontario I did find that Chinese lanterns spread quickly but when I lived farther north I could barely get them to grow. We have beautiful soil so most things grow without any trouble and thrive. Love my daisies. Catmint (Nepeta spp.) It still came back. Hello Kristen - Liked the article. Noooooo its jumps out anyway! I've read that is the Japanese or Chinese wisteria that is the invasive, but American wisteria is not. Typically, late spring to early summer into early fall, although some varieties bloom earlier and longer. Thank you! Oh no, that sounds awful! After a two year wait. Just deadhead them daily to keep them looking really neat. I have dug, sprayed, pulled adn never let it go to seed but it is still here! But if you love it you should grow it, no matter what this article says. Will nearly double in breadth (to over 2 feet across) the second season after planting, quickly filling in your gardens bare spots. Irises are so gorgeous, but it seems like they last for 2 days and then theyre done. They spread by a vinelike root and have overtaken my perennial beds. This Spring they overtook my entire garden. You might want to research that. A swamp! Whenever I would dig it up, I through it in the field behind us. serious stuff. It has completely taken over my lawn and now it is spreading to my lawn! Be more aggressive about keeping it inbounds, but maybe best in caontainera away from everything permission is prohibited house... Landscaper refuses to do it down and putting weed killer on roots work! 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is catmint invasive